Stevie Lee Woods takes you behind the scenes meeting fantastic stars and hilarous road stories. You will not want to miss this interview including a quick additional interview of special guest, Scott Baio. You can find tickets to Stevie at Nashville Roadhouse Live or call 417-320-3418
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Matthew Boyce 0:00
Thank you for joining us on the best shows of Branson podcast. We take you behind the scenes on some Branson's best shows. Now, welcome your hosts and we're back and welcome back to Branson's best shows. We are joined with our friend Stevie Lee woods from the Nashville Roadhouse theater on the 76th strip right here in Branson, Missouri. Stevie, how are you doing today?
Stevie Lee Woods 0:23
I'm good, man. How are you today? CJ, you don't. Alright,
C.J. Newsom 0:26
it's good to have you with us.
Stevie Lee Woods 0:27
Thanks. Thanks for having me. Thanks, very man. Thank you. To all y'all out there.
Matthew Boyce 0:30
We are so glad to have Stevie here. Nashville Roadhouse live here in Branson show that swept so many awards these last couple of years. Here's in Branson, I just want to ask you how you been here for how many years now? And band to the year 2021. That's crazy. So
Stevie Lee Woods 0:48
the show has been up and running now for three years. This is our third season. And yeah, we kind of we came in and we we surprised everyone and surprised ourselves. I mean, it was a great honor to have all the nominations and win all the awards that we did win and very humbling on to say L at the same time. So it's, it's like well, I've been in Branson, actually, since 2005. So I was on the road, playing music all across the United States and around the world. So I didn't do much in Branson. Every once in a while I do show down at the Branson landing where I brought in different guest stars like T Graham Brown, Billy Dean. The first time that Billy thing came to Branson to perform was actually with myself and T Graham Brown down at the Branson landing. Okay, and then he got the gig over at the start
C.J. Newsom 1:39
what was called the Star theme or this Starlight starlight. That's
Stevie Lee Woods 1:43
it. That's it. He had that for several years. And it was so cool. But so I've been in town for a long time.
Matthew Boyce 1:49
So how did you how did you get connected with a lot of these folks? Was it all from your time in Nashville or were good T Graham Brown How did you get these folks to want to come to Branson and showcase their, their
Stevie Lee Woods 2:00
whatnot. I was I was on the road for so long. And in 1993 I had my first record deal. And I had number one record back then. I'm not gonna say how old I was then. So don't the anyway, the I had that number one rolling in. And I got to perform. It was on the road with so many folks that I met these people and became friends. I mean, befriended a lot of them by just being out and the longevity longevity of the time that it was with them out on the road, bouncing around as the bait back then we were called the baby act. And we would go out and open the shows with these guys. They might put a a local act out there that they recruited to be on first and you know, so I got to know them and call on them now to come out here and hang out with all of us.
Matthew Boyce 2:46
Stevie Lee was once again Nashville Roadhouse Live theater here in Branson. So when you came to Branson from Nashville, what was the switch you wanted to make here? What made you want to come to Branson? What was attractive about these mountainous valleys here in the Ozarks?
Stevie Lee Woods 3:02
Well, most people don't know this, but the I own several other businesses as well. Excuse me, and I had done office here in Branson, and I actually came to shut that office down is no right. And so I came out my brother and I and I was it I had 22 or 23 people working here, but it was not a profitable office. So I came to close it up and I liked it. And I I started hanging out and came back more often. And I did inevitably closed the office and downsized and moved it to another to another state. But built at home out on the lake. Been here ever since.
Matthew Boyce 3:46
Man. So at the time did you know you wanted to do shows out here? Were you just enjoying your company where you are? When did you set your sights on the fact you wanted to open the Roadhouse I had been
Stevie Lee Woods 3:56
on the road so long. And I mean for a long time and I was on the road y'all for about 50 out of 52 weeks a year. So home two weeks, and that's a long time to live out of a suitcase. And that happened door went on for about 10 years straight. So the I had my fill of doing the run in the roads and all that good stuff. And I decided after I did in 2005, my brother and I had the majestic steakhouse here in Branson, which is, if you don't know it's a very large or was a very large 27,000 square foot Steakhouse. And it was cool. We had that and I still didn't do his show or anything. And after being taught to you by many different people in town, that I should just open up a show and bring all the the names and people that I know to town and I decided okay, give it a shot. You know, let's go for it.
C.J. Newsom 4:49
Does your brother still live here in town or yeah,
Stevie Lee Woods 4:51
he's actually charged with all the production over at national Roadhouse theater, and he does a great job with it and I'm proud of all the crew there
Matthew Boyce 5:00
Once again this is Stevie Lee woods the national Roadhouse theater. I want to show you guys a clip of this fantastic show Nashville Roadhouse live if you don't mind, we're gonna cut to that right now check it out
wow see I love the show we actually I was blessed to be part of the show a couple years ago, we showcase one of our shows here at the Americana theater and we had just a ball. I think the band was hot. Everyone was super, super nice at the theater. And I'm so glad you guys are down here. What was the inspiration for Nashville Roadhouse? Because it's a great show great concert. Great music. What did you what? How did you decide on that show?
Stevie Lee Woods 6:37
Well, the Format The format came to be, I wanted something that was a little different, a little out of the norm of Branson, but staying with the theme of Branson, me meaning family and keep it I wanted it more concert style. So that's what we did. And we, when you see the show, you're gonna come out and see a show that from start to finish is nonstop energy. We don't have the comedic you know, segwayed anything. I mean, we don't have a comedian in the show or anything. We tell one liners from the stage every once in a while, but those are off the top of our head. They are always spontaneous, and, and they work. But we wanted to keep it more of the music and it all came together. There was no real, I had the thought in my head, the vision in my head of what I wanted to see. And then the guys made that happen. And collectively, we put it together. And I agree with you, Matthew, my band is extremely hot. They're
Matthew Boyce 7:29
they're hot. They're super talented, some great guys, some of the funniest guys I've ever met that I had the privilege, a privilege to meet and work with. I mean, just starting off with with Paul on drums, he'll cut you up. He's awesome. And
Stevie Lee Woods 7:41
I got to share this with you. I just had to interrupt you. Ready, we were on stage, stage. And we're we're in the middle of a song I was a real serious song. And we do this big production aspect to the dance. And we're talking about, I talked about the song and they go into this, and it's a big deal. And it's all the lighting and the dancers and the interpretive dancing and all this. And while I'm doing this big segway to lead the audience down that road with me. And I said, you know, every once in a while a song comes along that really just gets to you. And Paul breaks out in the back. No one out here could hear it, like big butts. And it's like, oh, and everybody on the riser. They started dying, laughing and then people in the audience are going like, what? I don't get it. What?
Matthew Boyce 8:31
How would you say? How did you decide on these guys? Because there's some world class brands and musicians some of the best. How did you get linked up with these guys? First off, did you have a way that you knew you wanted to help people? Or did you have some recommendations for some friends here in Branson, or just
Stevie Lee Woods 8:44
mark Boyd? Mark Boyd, who's the band director, music director, he I've been working with him and Paul oni for 10 years and probably. And so I asked Mark, I said put together a really hot band. And he did it. And so it's like, and we've been a good like, almost like a family. Everybody there is you know, all for one one for all kind of thing. And it's been so cool. I could tell you and I will tell you some of those stories coming up in just a few minutes on on the band and everybody else. It's been a unique experience.
Matthew Boyce 9:17
So let's tie back to Nashville here a little bit. I want to go back to your What brought you here beforehand. You've done a lot with some music, you've tied some genres together, you brought different sounds to music. I want to hear about some of your inspirations. What got you into music in the first place? What really brought what was your inspiration for your sound?
Stevie Lee Woods 9:37
My inspiration for the music amp? Maybe my sound was my dad. My dad was a sight guy, you know, guitar player for Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs. And he did that for quite a while. I mean, I was really little, but I remember bits and pieces. And my dad moved over to Eddie Arnold and worked with Eddie Arnold. Wow. Oh, wow. And he moved us all from, um, from Bluefield, Virginia, if you don't know where Bluefield Virginia is it's probably because like most people, nobody goes there. It's it's a pretty cool country town. But he moved to Chicago and recorded with ABC records. Way back when. And I listened to so many different people. I mean, like everybody I listened to the Elvis is of the world and Ricky van Shelton and all these people growing up, and maybe a mixture of all that my dad's saying to everybody in my family played music, everyone played music everyone in and I can play several different instruments, but I'm not good at any one of them. So I stick I'd rather perform and sing, then play, but I can. And they've had me I can tell you a story. And I want to segue to a story real quick, because it just popped into my head. I was on the road with an I'm not gonna name well, no, I won't name who it was. But I was on the road with this very talented young lady that was in the charts big in the charts at the moment. And we were hired by Bally's casinos to play the showroom. And we were out in the showroom. And I was opening because I thought it was appropriate for me to open up since she was like, had several hit records on the charts. It was just the proper thing to do. And she didn't have a cheating carried away whether I opened or she opened or whatever, because we're going to do at the end be onstage together. Well, she got on stage. And I had done my little bit. And it was Sylvia but we had done a little bit and the I was off she was on the management from the casino comes over and they said get on stage. Get on stage now. Play a guitar play something we need that energy. So if he's very any very energetic, but strapped on a guitar and I might know three core i can chord. It's but yes, I made a look and I did a lot of spins and stuff. So it was it was not much. It was not much. Anybody out there any musicians out there. I'm sorry. And I apologize to you now.
Matthew Boyce 12:13
No, I the same time it's so time to you know we did guitar and British last year and I I'm a rhythm player. I know my chords, my one four fives. And you know, it's always just it's about the act. It's about making people enjoy it having the energy in the room and you're probably a better guitar player than I am. I mean,
C.J. Newsom 12:33
I dabble. But like like Stevie said, I'm not gonna get next to my band members and brag about it because they can play the socks off of these things. You know,
Stevie Lee Woods 12:40
I'm not doing that. Yeah. Now,
Matthew Boyce 12:44
so I want to hear what's your craziest road story? What is your craziest story from a bus? A train a plane automobile? Anywhere? What's
Unknown Speaker 12:54
let me tell you let me tell you let me tell you one that and then I'm gonna go into one that that I challenged Aaron Tippin and Colin Raye. All right. But first, there's one that comes to mind that we were doing. We just done the USF Sun dome in Tampa Bay. And it was me and Laurie Morgan. And I think it was Sammy Kirsch I can't remember. But Lloyd Morgan for sure. Because we had three days off. So these people, my management rented a 72 foot catamaran for all of us to go out on the ocean and have a big time. And so we went out on this thing and, and we're drinking, you can see all the pictures. And someday I'll show you all the pictures. I'll show you all the pictures. But you can see how we transition from like, really sober to having a really good time. I'll just say that. And when we walked in about maybe an hour into that trip. Somebody's hollowed out let's play cards or something. So we went into the cabin. And Lorrie Morgan walks in the cabinet. She said, Okay, I'm dealing, she puts down her bag pulls out a black jacket with her own cards, one every hand. So that's kind of cool. But let me think of another one. I'll tell you. The one that I was telling you about with Colin Ray, we were backstage over at the star recently, and we were doing some footage. I can't remember for who but they said they were telling the road stories. And I said what I said I can beat you. I got you beat. And so I started telling him, I was going I was doing a country across America tour. It was a big country concert tour that they did from coast to coast. And we were part of that tour. And I was in Georgia at the time and working my way where I had to meet up with the tour and then go on. And I had to pick up a guy and meaning I needed another guy, a tech guy. And I hired a guy that was very well qualified. And so we went on we did several shows. And we were after one show we were hanging out at the hotel you In one of the band, members rooms, everybody's piled in there. And we were just like having some drinks and stuff. And the one guy who we hired he, he said, Well, I'm gonna go down to 711. Does anybody want anything for 711? We're like, nah, nah, now you guys have to picture this. You folks out there at home, we have to picture this. This is back in the day before they had cell phones, like we have. Now this is back when they had big bag phones, any of you that might remember those, they had those on the buses and stuff there. They were like, satellite phones, emotional. And we were musicians. So we were staying at a hotel, we were too cheap to pay the deposit to turn the phones on. So we didn't have any phones on in the rooms. We didn't put up a credit card because I wouldn't have them use mine. And, you know, just no. Excuse me and the we were there. And the guy said, Okay, I'm gonna go on 711. He goes down to 711. We're watching America's Most Wanted. And we're just watching it thick enough and waiting for stuff to come back. And all of a sudden, this guy's picture comes up. It's like, Oh, no. And the thing about it, the guy was wanting for stuff that was allegedly a serial killer. I'm just gonna say that because I don't know, the final outcome to everything. But the the guy that was rooming with this guy was my keyboard player named Robbie. And we're there and everybody's freaking out. The band's freaking out. Y'all. We look like the Three Stooges. But there was like eight of us, all in a line going out the door, trying to make it across the street to get to the big boat to call America's Most Wanted. Yeah. And so we get across there and we're down America's Most Wanted to 888 or 800 number, whatever it was. We're dialing it up. We got your guy, we got your guy. And like, Okay, be cool. Just chill out. It's all it's okay. And we're telling them, we're waiting for them to say, Okay, we're coming now, you know, where they're going to send all these these cops and everything like we're done? No. They said, go back to the rail. Pretend like you know nothing. And we'll meet up with you and XYZ tomorrow morning. I mean, like Dragnet, you know, we're like, Oh, no. So we go back to the room. The guy's not back yet. And we get back to and we're all sitting around. They're like, Oh, no, oh, no. Oh, no, no. He comes back, man. And then every time he'd walked in the other room or something by our actions, people were just freaked out. He knows I know. He knows. And we were just freaked out. He didn't know anything the next day they got him. But nobody to this day could could top that road story. And they did. Like have the drag that please send everybody took him off. But it was just a really, really, I don't think you could you could even ask or make that up.
C.J. Newsom 17:52
Wow. That's amazing. Yeah, you're right. I don't think anybody could top that road story. And you you've acquired so many road stories throughout the years. You can
Stevie Lee Woods 18:01
I tell you one more before you before you. I just I have one. This is one that's really cool. Because Matt, this is one that excited any any musician entertainer, you're gonna dig that you're gonna like, Wow, we had this concert. And it was myself and the crew of the Grand Ole Opry and we were doing in Florida. And it was a big outdoor festival. And we noticed there was a bar all the way across the across the street. And we were all talking backstage when we get done here. We're all gonna go crash that bar. So we got done. We went over there. We crashed the bar. The promoter came over and he said, Look, I've got you guys, a great, great condo, I've loaded it with food, all the booze you could possibly want. And it's out on the island. I've got the boat ready to take you your buses are going to drive it to the boat. You got to take the boat across the island. That's pretty cool. Yeah. And we're like, Okay, so we're down. We were sitting there drinking, we got a little bizarre, we're ready to go. We're all arm and arm. And we're like data, data, data, data data, though, you know and, and all this. We get on the boat. We go across the island. We get off. We're walking up still ARM and ARM and there's the crew, the band, all the artists and everybody. We're all just having a big time we go up we see the condo, there's a bunch of condos. And so it actually townhouses. And so it's a bunch of we walked in those couple people there already. We go in, and we head straight for the booze in the kitchen because they were hungry. And we've been performing nobody had eaten yet. And they wanted some more liquor because we'd already started at the bar. So we go on and it's not very much liquor. There's hardly any beer, and there's a little bit of food and we're like man, dude, what is up with this and the guys all started complaining and given me a rash. You know what I'm saying? I'm like, there we go. We walked into some unknowing person's home and their kid and their, their wife and husband all sitting. They have Picking up the people that look like a bunch of hippies and it was funny, it was good it was. Now they they didn't they were like okay with it after the fact they realized because some of the people that were I'm on that gig too were pretty well known folks. Oh my god. Yeah, they
C.J. Newsom 20:19
just tell you the wrong house or me what?
Stevie Lee Woods 20:21
Well, they told us the right house, but we were already had been drinking. So we just went into the like, That's it right there. And we went in. And that's why you should never leave your front doors open or unlocked. That's like
Matthew Boyce 20:33
my biggest fear with like Airbnb or any of those things is like someone posts a fake listing out and you walk in and some families sitting there. Oh, my gosh, that's crazy. And where was that? Where was that? Again? You said Florida. Okay.
Stevie Lee Woods 20:48
It was it was cool about that's, that's another good one. I have a lot of them. No, we could
Matthew Boyce 20:52
do a whole series. I just wrote stories. I would love to go down to performers in town and just get crazy, crazy, crazy road stories.
C.J. Newsom 20:59
No kidding. I was. I was gonna mention beforehand, I was thinking, Did you have any hard, difficult experiences as far as overseas road gigs and things like that, because, you know, when you when you tour around overseas, you end up with a lot of different situations and circumstances. The first
Stevie Lee Woods 21:18
time that nothing ever difficult, it was maybe customs one time customs. I mean, they pulled us aside or they didn't even pull me aside. They pulled one of my guys aside, and they were going to, you know, search everything he's got and all this stuff. So we we being the band districts together, we decided, okay, if you're gonna start chip, you're gonna search all of us. So we all walked in there and said search everybody, let's go, you know, but nothing hard. We went overseas. And this is cool. Because the first time we went, we went landed at Heathrow Airport in you know, in London. And it was like eight hours or nine hours. I don't remember now from Miami. We left from Miami. And we got there. The whole way over. We were drinking. I mentioned that. We were drinking. And the the students who got so bad back then they were flight attendants. Now flight attendant was like bringing us beer and liquor. We got hooked up. There was two Merchant Marines sitting next to all of us. And it was me, my brother, Dell Reeves, Freddy fender, and all of us are sitting there. It was so cool, because we're there and they're bringing us booze. And finally the flight attendant comes up and she says, Come here, come here, Mr. Woods, come here. I said, Oh, I thought I was in trouble or something, you know. So she brought me back to the galley. She said, here's the booze. Here's everything else help yourself. She got tired of bringing it back to us. We got like 13 or 14 people sitting right there. You know?
Matthew Boyce 22:49
Because I got so this is you're gonna I'm gonna ask. So you have a very iconic look. I whatever. Whenever I see you, I see the vest. I see the sunglasses, this but the sunglasses? I'll tell you about those. I want to know is that was there a story to that?
Stevie Lee Woods 23:04
Well, it's I can't see. If I if I if I wore my regular glasses. I mean, I looked nerdy enough. I don't need the red the class to help me out. You know what I'm saying? So the sunglasses are not a statement or trying to be cool or anything. It's their prescription glasses. I'm nearsighted and one eye farsighted and the other so when I look at things, and I can't wear contacts, because my astigmatism is too bad. So it's like now that's why
C.J. Newsom 23:30
it's good to see. Yeah,
Matthew Boyce 23:32
I was always a cool look between that and I will see wearing the coolest vests and I love the Paisley in the patterns. I've seen. It's just I think it's a rock and the boots.
C.J. Newsom 23:40
And then I mean, it's where Country meets rock and roll. I mean, yeah, you fit the theme very well.
Stevie Lee Woods 23:46
Oh, thank you, you know, and we are trying to try to do that a lot. We've got I don't know when this is going to air. But this weekend, like we have Scotty Austin from saving Abel. And he's there. So we're going to definitely get the country meet in the rock and roll. It's going to slam hard. And then, you know, Sunday, I'm trying to have enough of a mixture where I do have that country and rock and roll kind of thing. So we're hitting that full demographic, you know? Sure. Now,
Matthew Boyce 24:11
what are some future plans that you have? Is there anything you can leak down the pipeline right now the things that you might have in the workings
Stevie Lee Woods 24:18
I have in the works right now for Sammy Hagar and Pat Benatar. And I've got some others that I can't. I could say because it's in the works. I didn't say they're gonna be there yet. But we're working on it. It's I've got some some really big, big names that are going to come to help the league come out to the star, you know, it's all about it's all about dollars and cents too. And with COVID and stuff, it's been really difficult to try and plan and are you going to sell what are you going to sell? You don't know. And you guys are here all the time. You don't know and when we all went through COVID together, you know, you might have 100 You might have 500 You don't know so It doesn't matter who you have. It's all about, do people feel safe? Are they cool with that? You know, whatever. And so there's a lot in the works, but those are two names that are more farther along. We have the head hunters coming up on September 18. Yeah, I saw that their way. Cool. Have you ever hang out with them? No. Come over and hang out.
C.J. Newsom 25:21
Okay, yeah, that sounds like a good idea.
Matthew Boyce 25:23
But that's what I thought was really cool about your theater too, is after the show. Everyone's everyone's hanging out having a good time sharing some drinks some food. I think it's the vibe of this theater. Ladies and gentlemen, if you haven't checked out the national Roadhouse live theater, you really have to go I have I had such a fun time. Whenever I go,
Stevie Lee Woods 25:41
you guys did have a blast. It was like so it was so much fun. It was
Matthew Boyce 25:44
oh, it was a good night everyone hangs out and then you guys do like karaoke afterwards? Sometimes, right? So it's, it's a party every every time
Stevie Lee Woods 25:52
you have every Friday and Saturday night and soon to be seven nights a week but every Friday and Saturday night we get done with the show and everybody kind of filters through what I was trying to do is capture them as you know, it's like oh, a built in grout and it works you know, it's it's about getting all those guys my band comes out and hangs up. All the guests come out. I mean, Colin ray comes out Aaron Tippin comes out hangs out. They get up there and sing karaoke. You're gonna go out there and sing karaoke and have a good time. It's just fun.
C.J. Newsom 26:20
That's pretty incredible. Because that's what you want when you go see these stars as what you want as you want this kind of interaction.
Matthew Boyce 26:27
So that's when Colin re comes back, Chris, you're gonna need to tie CG Yeah,
C.J. Newsom 26:31
you already. You already know where I'm where I'm going.
Stevie Lee Woods 26:36
Race coming back calling race coming back this this fall. So you need to
Matthew Boyce 26:40
get ready. Get ready
Stevie Lee Woods 26:43
to hang out at the bar, too. You know, I already told CJ everyone that Scott bales here in a few weeks. Yes, I need to come over. She said I'm coming and she said, Okay, I'm done. I'm gonna be there. I can't wait.
Matthew Boyce 26:57
Speaking of that, here is a word from a good friend of ours taken away.
Chris Newsom 27:03
And we're with a Branson's best shows podcast. And guess who we got to run into Scott bayo just finished up his show did amazing job. What? What do you think of Branson so far?
Unknown Speaker 27:13
It's very nice. People are lovely. I all I've seen is what I've driven through a lot of green, clean. It was the it was it's beautiful here. And I guess other people, just people. Fantastic.
Chris Newsom 27:26
Excellent. Well, and you did a great show. And that's what we try to promote here with brands as best shows. Any chance you'll ever come back up back here so we can get you back into town?
Unknown Speaker 27:36
I have no idea. I mean, I you know, I mature. I mean, why not?
Chris Newsom 27:40
Why not? We Well, we sure do. Appreciate you. And thank you for coming to Branson. We love having you guys come and we sure do appreciate you.
Unknown Speaker 27:47
That's it. Thank you.
C.J. Newsom 27:48
Thank you. Cool. Thank you. And thank you, Scott bayo. That was awesome. We'd love to hear from you. And speaking of famous stars up we want to hear some more about how you brought Billy Dean to Branson.
Stevie Lee Woods 28:02
That was 2010. I believe we're 14 I can't remember now. But I had Billy come in. I had known Billy but I actually had to contact his agent. And so I got his agent to book came in with me and T Graham Brown. I've done a lot of shows with Graham Brown over the years. In fact, he's second several of my records with me. But the he came and we did the show down to the landing and it was a blast. We had a blast. And you know something which is so is amazing to me. This is I don't know if it's been top jet. But back at that time, we had the largest crowd that the landing has ever seen. So it was really cool. They estimated it to be it was over 10k Wow. Which
C.J. Newsom 28:50
I think is what they were wanting for the landing originally. So that's neat that you were able to stoke the fire, if you will, in no
Stevie Lee Woods 28:58
matter standing so far back. It was really weird. They were standing out on the street, like you're going up towards the excitement. In us it was like cool. Yeah. That's crazy.
C.J. Newsom 29:07
I've been down there whenever it's that crowded in the atmosphere, the energy that's down there. It's just really awesome. Yeah, this one. Now you
Matthew Boyce 29:13
have some music, that you're still working, you're still releasing music. You have some new stuffs come out these last few years. Where Can folks go to check out some of your newest stuff right now.
Stevie Lee Woods 29:23
You can go to any of the online stores that's available to every one of them. And you can also go to Nashville and find it and find links to it as well. And it's probably primarily at Yeah, awesome. It's so cool. We're working on new music right now. And I gotta tell you that the the last record I cut was a song that was written by Elton John and Bernie top and yes, and it did really well. It did really well for all of us for me in the band. We got that record out there. It's now in 173 countries around the world. Video is, we won the telly award on the 43rd annual Telly awards for the best music video of 2022. We won the anthem award, and I can tell you that we're nominated for an award that starts with the G.
C.J. Newsom 30:16
We know that one is gonna
Stevie Lee Woods 30:18
tell you yet because I'll be violating things. So let's start with that.
C.J. Newsom 30:23
I was, I was meaning to ask you about Elton John was one of your idols. I mean, you sounded great. You sounded just like him?
Stevie Lee Woods 30:31
Well, it was like, it was like, I listened to John grown up, you know, a lot of it. And then Universal Music Group. And I was thinking, wow, I was just listening to different songs and wanting to cut something. And we've written a lot of stuff like all of us, you know, and Universal Music Group contacted us and said, We want you to record this, make it your own, put your own spin on it. And we did. And it's like, Wow, we got, we got, like I said, the telly and the anthem award, the anthem award is like for social awareness video of the year, which is crazy, because it is the concept of the video, y'all just so you know, is that love has no boundaries. Love is love. I don't care who you love, love is love. So that's basically the concept of it. And it's depicted in that video. And it's depicted well without being blatantly in your face about anything. So it's there, and it's, it's tastefully put together. And I'm not saying that because I'm in it or in my video. I'm just saying that the producers that I had a vision, and then they took that and went. So it's so cool. And it was it was filmed in the USA, Bogota, Colombia and real so Wow.
Matthew Boyce 31:52
That's awesome guys. Once again, this is Stevie Lee woods from the Nashville Roadhouse live theater on the 76th trip and brands Missouri. Currently you can catch the show Friday and Saturday nights right at the Nashville Ross live theater. And if you want to get more information on schedule tickets and mortgage for the show, you can go to
Stevie Lee Woods 32:09
Nashville or dial 417-320-3418
Matthew Boyce 32:13
Awesome. Stevie, thank you so much for coming out today talking with us. We I loved her in the road stories and anytime you have more road stories, I think we could do a whole whole series. I've
Stevie Lee Woods 32:22
got a bunch of CJ Thank you, Matt. Thank you so much. And most of all, thank all y'all out there. Thank you so much for watching.
C.J. Newsom 32:29
I'm CJ Newsome. And I'm
Matthew Boyce 32:30
Matthew Boyce and we will continue to bring you Branson's best shows. We'll see you next time guys. Bye
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